What made you decide to be an artist? How did it all begin?
I do think this is something one is born with, the desire to express and show something. In order to show some inner feelings, in this case the color and the shape. Creativity is something that initiates and develops since the earliest days.
What does it mean (for you) to be an artist?
To be an artist means to live in dreams and look at the world through a different lens and always attempting to present these dreams to other people.
What are the main themes in your art? What inspires you?
The principal motive in my paintings is, for sure, the figure and its form as such. During the last ten years, there is a woman who always appears as the basis but still, always different and new.
Tell us about your studio, working space, process, habits, special rituals.....
Entering my studio for me represents the entry into a new dimension, entry into the world of imagination. This is where I like to be lonely and to create, but also a gathering place for my friends and visitors. While creating an image in my head, while thinking about it I like solitude, good music and good emotions and during the painting stage I like to be surrounded by people who give me positive energy.
What is the hardest part of being an artist, and how do you overcome it?
The hardest part for artists nowdays, in addition to their work, is dealing with the management and commercial work. Organization, marketing and presenting themselves and their art. All this takes a lot of their time and besides, we are not that good at it, because our communication is more effective through the art we create.
Your favorite piece of art?
It's hard to pick one piece or one artist. If I think about perfection, Caravaggio comes to mind, if you think about imagination, Dali and Bosh, and in terms of passion Impressionists are unsurpassed...
What do you think about today's art and the direction its going to?
Throughout the history, art has always been in fluctuations but also there was this aspiration to advance it. Fine arts at one time reached the peak and then began degrading somewhat. Now this degradation has reached its maximum and I think the upward trend slowly begins again. Figurative art is slowly returning but of course in some new forms in accordance with the time we live in.
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